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Alireza Farahi

Las Vegas Live, presented on June 22, 2019, Jazz Outreach Initiative (JOI) was pleased to partner with the American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada, AFM Musician’s Union Las Vegas, Local 369, and the City of Las Vegas to offer a live performance opportunity for aspiring instrumental artists looking to improve their careers and serve the City of Las Vegas. Performing and visual arts are a thriving and essential part of the Las Vegas community and with this project, JOI worked with the local and national arts community to create a more livable and vibrant city by delivering experiences, education and services to residents and Las Vegas visitors.The event was hosted by the Music Performance Trust Fund, an AFM affiliate dedicated to bringing live music to American communities via concerts and the AFM Diversity Committee at the Historic Fifth Street Elementary School..  The event was presented free of charge to the public. This was a one of a kind city-wide arts effort that will pay substantial dividends to our local musicians and residents and also provided valuable career workshops and clinics given by nationally renowned industry professionals from the recording and music royalty segments of the business. 


The JOI Jazz Sextet performed first on the program. They featured 2 songs by JOI trumpeter Jorge Machain. The 2 songs, “Passing Through” and “Naturalization”,  were 2 movements of a 3 movement suite that was written on the occasion of his becoming a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. The songs, and Jorge’s personal story behind them, captured the attention of the audience and was well-received. James Zimmerman, Senior Producer for the Smithsonian Institute of the National Museum of American History, was particularly moved by Jorge’s music and story and has reached out to him about involving his music the Smithsonian’s annual Naturalization Ceremony on Flag Day.


For this performance, the JOI Jazz Sextet musicians were:


Jorge Machain - Trumpet and Music Director

Wayne De Silva - Tenor Saxophone

Ilai Macaggi - Trombone 

Joey Singer - Piano

Summer Kodama - Acoustic Bass

Michael Hoffman - Drums

JOI Jazz Sextet 

JOI Jazz Sextet - 
 Photo Credit - Arianna Beasley

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