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JOI Corporate Sponsorships Continue to Grow

Donny Thompson, M.S., NPA

Jazz Outreach Initiative would like to thank the following corporate sponsors who have joined us, renewed, or upgraded their levels of support. This is only a partial list and we will continue to update as we confirm renewals and new sponsors. These businesses and others who currently support JOI make it possible for us to connect the language of music to the language of life for youth throughout our community. If you or someone you know owns a business, a family trust, foundation, or other entity and would like to support jazz education, outreach, and performance programs in Southern Nevada, please introduce us to them today.

A special recognition to our new sponsors, Fred & Gladys Katen (Fred and Gladys Katen Family Trust) at the Platinum Level and Robert and Shirley Kramer (Friends of UNLV Jazz) who increased this year from Silver to Gold Sponsors. New gold sponsors Carol Blanton (Carol & Walt Blanton Memorial Fund), the Las Vegas Chapter Y women of the PEO (Philanthropic Educational Organization), In-Kind Sponsor Zero-G, the family of the late Hap Smith (Hap Smith Memorial Fund), In-Kind Sponsor Music & Arts (Bill Parker), In-Kind Sponsors Adem Jesse Sash and Jenna Cushman (Foley Family Wines and Siempre Tequila), In-Kind Sponsor JB Public Relations (Jennifer Bradley), and Armed Forces & Military Veterans Appreciation Inc. (NLV Councilman Richard Cherchio and Laura Coleman).

To arrange a meeting to discuss sponsorships or to specifically sponsor the January 28-29 2022 Essentially Ellington Regional High School Jazz Band Festival, please reach out to our Executive Dir., Donny Thompson at or call/text direct to 702-812-2133.




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